Saturday, July 5, 2014

Camp Week Two

 This is a game we played. There are two flags in the middle of the field, with chairs set up for defense. your goal is to get the flag, and come back to your side without being hit by a tennis ball.
My friend Justin eating lunch

 One of the trees by my cabin in the morning with the sun coming up.
Two joined cabins

 Later in the morning, view from my cabin.
A healthy game of "catch the eels that we dumped in the pool to get points for your team"

         My friend Smith carrying an eel to the bucket.
One of the amazing trees at the camp.

Me, Austin, JC, Justin. and Brandon

                                   Justins "Happy Hot Dog"
My friends being weirdos =D

My friend Austin. His team name was the blue Ephods, thus the outfit.
Team mascot of the Blue Ephods

                                             There he is again.
Austin out of costume.

My friends playing the hook game. See that string? attached to it is a metal ring. The goal is to get the ring onto the hook attached to a post (the ring is attached to the roof)
Austin and the Preacher Mike Ray
 Me and Mike Ray.  Yes, his Bible has real alligator
                                            skin for the cover.

Austin in a tree.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Pictures!! Camp, week one

 So, here we have Shadey and David.
 Me and the preacher (Steve Cox)
 Here's my two friends Katie and Jasenya
 Mike, Katie, and John.
 Jasenya and two of her friends
 David again.
 David, Jasenya, and me.
My AWESOME friend Josh, and myself.


So, the title of my blog is pretty self explanatory. I'll be posting pictures that I have taken, because I feel like it.